CALI 2023 Workshopeliottberaud23 oct. 20231 min de lectureMoca teams attended the Quantum Collective Phenomena in Light-Matter Interactions workshop in Crete from the 1st to the 6th of october 2023.It was an outstanding opportunity to talk science with research teams from all around the world.
Moca teams attended the Quantum Collective Phenomena in Light-Matter Interactions workshop in Crete from the 1st to the 6th of october 2023.It was an outstanding opportunity to talk science with research teams from all around the world.
Coherent interface between optical and microwave photons on an integrated superconducting atom chipDavid Petrosyan, József Fortágh, Gershon Kurizki Arxiv : Sub-wavelength arrays of atoms exhibit...
In situ subwavelength quantum gas microscopy using dressed excited statesRomain Veyron, Jean-Baptiste Gérent, Guillaume Baclet, Vincent Mancois, Philippe Bouyer, Simon Bernon Arxiv :
Loading atoms from a large magnetic trap to a small intra-cavity dipole trapD. Varga, B. Gábor, B. Sárközi, K. V. Adwaith, D. Nagy, A. Dombi, T. W. Clark, F. I. B. Williams, P. Domokos, A. Vukics arxiv :...