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University Tuebingen / FORTH
Interaction between Atoms and Slow Light: A Study in Waveguide Design, Xiaorun Zang, Jianji Yang, Rémi Faggiani, Christopher Gill, Plamen G. Petrov, Jean-Paul Hugonin, Kevin Vynck, Simon Bernon, Philippe Bouyer, Vincent Boyer, and Philippe Lalanne
Doubly dressed states for near-field trapping and subwavelength lattice structuring, Maxime Bellouvet, Caroline Busquet, Jinyi Zhang, Philippe Lalanne, Philippe Bouyer, and Simon Bernon
​Time-resolved observation of a dynamical phase transition with atoms in a cavity, T. W. Clark, A. Dombi, F. I. B. Williams, Á. Kurkó, J. Fortágh, D. Nagy, A. Vukics, and P. Domokos
Ground-state bistability of cold atoms in a cavity, B. Gábor, D. Nagy, A. Dombi, T. W. Clark, F. I. B. Williams, K. V. Adwaith, A. Vukics, and P. Domokos.
Loading atoms from a large magnetic trap to a small intra-cavity dipole trap, D. Varga, B. Gábor, B. Sárközi, K. V. Adwaith, D. Nagy, A. Dombi, T. W. Clark, F. I. B. Williams, P. Domokos, A. Vukics.
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