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Interaction between Atoms and Slow Light: A Study in Waveguide Design

Xiaorun Zang, Jianji Yang, Rémi Faggiani, Christopher Gill, Plamen G. Petrov, Jean-Paul Hugonin, Kevin Vynck, Simon Bernon, Philippe Bouyer, Vincent Boyer, and Philippe Lalanne

The emerging field of on-chip integration of nanophotonic devices and cold atoms offers extremely strong and pure light-matter interaction schemes, which may have a profound impact on quantum information science. In this context, a long-standing obstacle is to achieve a strong interaction between single atoms and single photons and at the same time trap atoms in a vacuum at large separation distances from dielectric surfaces. In this work, we study waveguide geometries that challenge these conflicting objectives. The designed photonic-crystal waveguide is expected to offer a good compromise, which additionally allows for easy manipulation of atomic clouds around the structure, while being tolerant to fabrication imperfections.

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